Years and years of music work are behind you. Before we start from the beginning, have you had an idea, when you were very young, that you will become today very successfull musician and sound engineer and are you satisfied?
Yes.. I saw my way in music from the very beginning. I trusted in myself, against anyone. I am very satisfied, right now. Now I am considered one of the best Italian Rock engineer all around the world, and I played as keyboardist and singer on the best Stage in Italy and Europe, in front of about a million peoples. What can I ask more?

Fabry, tell me please how you began with your music work?
I started in a very curious way.. I was a young musician, never played in front of people or on a stage. It was in 1982. One day the leader of a band, friend of mine, called me: he needed one of my keyboard for one Gig, and in exchange he invited me in a famous disco club, where there was a big musical contest. I partecipated to that contest as a joke, but I won! So I had an artistic contract with a Major record company.. Sometimes destiny is great.

I am most curios about your work in the early 80's, your Italo Disco work. If I'm right, you started with your italo work in 1983 with the song „Rap O Hush“ by Marzio Dance DJ. You were producer of that song.
No, I started the year before, in the winter of '82, ever with Marzio Dance Dj, in a project called «XENON – The Adventure». I was the composer and the player of that record. It was a big success. After that, again with Marzio, I wrote «Rap-o-Hush», the hit. Marzio was a very famous Italian DJ, he was from Florence, Tuscany. I can consider him as my talent scout. He was the first to trust in me. And he was right!

As I could noticed Rap O Hush have been released for Xenon label, with catalogue number 002. This is only song you produced for that label. Anyway, can you tell me, if possible, anything more about that label?! Who was the owner and key people?
As I already said, I did more then one records for the Xenon label.. 001 was XENON – The Adventure, 002 Rap-o-Hush and there was other song I do not remember, right now.. It's been a long tiime.. The «key men» of Xenon was always Marzio Dance Dj and Tiziano, the owner of the XENON DISCO CLUB in Florence. Xenon was founded in 1982 by them.

Fabry, in 1985 you made song under your name, called „Susy Oh“. Before I ask you about that song, can you tell me abut the period between „Rap O Hush“ and „Susy Oh“ (two years gap)? Any song or production (italo disco) I am not familiar with?
The gap was again because destiny.. I had a big car accident, and I was out for about 2 years. During this 2 years I started to study sound engineering, my next main way

Song „Susy Oh“ is great italo disco song. Can you tell me more about that song?
Susy Oh was the very first song I sung.. I was a young composer, and I worked for years in a team in Livorno, with and for one «icon» for the italian djs, Riccardo Cioni. I wrote lot of songs for him, all great success as «Arizona», «Olè-oh» etc.. One day he told me: now is your time! You must sing a song! And I wrote Susy Oh.. I was very surprised about the success of that song. I wrote it on a piano, at home, and then realized at the Riccardo's studio in Livorno. I spended about 3 days for to record, arrange and mix Susy Oh. Susy was an imaginary girl. I was inspired by an imagine in a wall, a commercial of lingerie ? «wild and sexy tights»

You released that song for famous Italo label Out Records. Almost every song of yours have been released for different label. What is the reason for that?
That's why basically I was a composer, so my main job was to write for many different situations and artists. And any of those had different labels or distributors. I had no exclusives..

One year after, you released song „Hello“ under name Simoncioni. Why just Simoncioni?
Ah ah ah.. Good question.. My name is Fabrizio, and my surname is Simoncioni.. both are very long to write and to remember, maybe.. so Simoncioni was more simple.. During the last years, in Italy, my surname is changed in a nickname, and almost everybody now call me «Simoncia».

Can you tell me what or who inspired you to make such a good italo disco songs?
Difficult to answer.. Songs are little miracles, they happends. Sometimes inspired by a sensation, sometimes by a person, a situation, a smell.. Or just by a sound. I started to write some song by a particular sound out of a synthesizer..

You made great italo disco productions: Xario – Are You Leaving, Dorian Gray – Cry, Biafra – Play Your Game, Banana Band – Let Me Go... Which song is your favorite one and why?
Oh my God!! Let me think.. It's been a long time, again... but for sure my 2 favourite songs are «Vogue» by Dorian Gray and «Peace – inside my heart» by Dirty Trick. Two really great songs and, to me, still actuals. One day maibe i'll do remixes of those songs.

In 1990 you worked on song „Peace Inside My Heart“ by Dirty Trick and on that song you worked, among others, with Marzio Dance, again. That's mean that you two were good co-operators since first singl Rap O Hush? Have you two been all those years in contact and did you have any other coloboration except these songs mentioned here?
Yes, Marzio and I were great friends and we did good jobs togheter.. He was the «commercial» mind, I was the «artistic» harm. We did lots of records togheter, I think more than 6 or 7 for sure.. But the most famous are Xenon The adventurer, Rap o hush, Play our game, mama say and peace. Now it's been a long time since I don't meet him.. Our ways are far

What is your favorite italo disco song(s) and artist(s)?
Difficult to say.. In the early 80's, most of the artist was «fake».. I mean, the imagine was not the singer, as you know for sure.. so all that I can say is that Farina, Crivellente and Martinelli to me was the best composers.

What do you think about italo disco music?
Italo disco started as a game, here.. but the italian melody has made an unique style, as you know.. I think Italo disco was a good expression of dance music, with more pop stylish.. I still like the old good Italo disco.

Tell me please, is there a lots of difference between production of songs in the 80's or today? I guess today could be easier because all new advance technology. But maybe production of songs in the 80's had warmer touch? Or everything is in producer's capebility?
Hard question.. Today almost anyone could produce and recoord a dance song at home, with the new computer based recording facilities.. but, for this reason, the overall quality and creativity is falled down. In the past, to make a record was something like an event, a particular magic moment, a full immersion in creativity.. now is almost a job ? And, after this, there are too much produtcs with low or no quality, and this is a big mess for the record market, as you can imagine..

After 80's what kind of music you produced? Can you tell me more about your work in the 90's please?
After the 80's I was study as sound engineer and becamed an Audio Engineering Society member. I started to work on a different kind of music, the rock and pop rock music. From 1990 to the present, I did hundreds of records for almost all the most famous italian poprock artists, such as Ligabue, Litfiba, Negrita, Gianna Nannini, Gianluca Grignani, Carmen Consolli, Niccolò Fabi, Daniele Silvestri and many more.. I have in my room more than 35 platinum records. Now I am considered one of the top Italian engineer and for sure tho one in rock music. I also produced a band, called Stellakowalsky, and from 1998 I am also the Ligabue's keyboard player on stage.

You were working so far with so many famous sound engineers and I would like to know who was very good, not to say best, sound engineer in italo disco era in your opinion?
In the '80 the figure of the sound engineer, especially in dance music, was not known.. I mean, usually who produced was also th e engineer (but normally they aren't real sound engineer). So it's difficult to say who was the best.

Did you have wish to work with someone in italo disco and you never had chance?
Not really. Maybe with some international producer as Michael Cretu

You are still sound engineer today and very famous and top one! What can you tell me about your today's work? On what project you are working currently?
I am very proud about my carreer, riight now.. I'm working on lots of differents project. The last records I did are LIGABUE «NOME E COGNOME», NICCOLO FABI «NOVO MESTO» and DANIELE SILVESTRI «IL LATITANTE», all multi platinum records, here. Next month I'll go to Mexico and United States to record some international artists in Mexico City and El Paso (Texas).

Can you share with me and with others anything from your private life please? For example, you are an pilot, what is interesting ?
Ah ah ah.. yes, except music my main ineterst is to fly. I really love to pilot aricraft. I'm planning a long trip from my city (Arezzo, Tuscany) to New York City, next summer.. will see. And I want to come in your beautyful country, with my plane, as soon as possible!

Ohh, you are more than welcome! :-)

Fabry, what is your goal?
My goal? Mmmm.. to continue to love my job as I love it since the beginning, and if possible to improve my credits working with some big international American artists. One other «wish» is to compose an original soundtrack from some movies.. will see

Further plans?
Yes, to put my bones over white sands in some Caribbian island.. with lots of girls, music, cocktails and sun!! AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

Would you like to say sometning what is important and I haven't ask you?
Just one.. music is my life and I want to thank you and all people who keep music alive. Keep on rock!!!

Thank you again for this interview. Wish you all the best.
Thank you too!! CIAO!

My big thanx goes to my friend Kimmo Parviainen!

© Zeljko Vujkovic - March 2007